These 5 States Are The Most Dangerous For Driving

Ever wonder how dangerous your state is when it comes to driving?  

Well, according to insurance company data, there’s a method to figure this out. It involves combing through 4 million insurance applications to calculate the proportion of drivers to speeding tickets, at-fault accidents, and DUIs. 

Based on the stats extracted by the above mentioned method, these are the 5 most dangerous states, in order from bad to worst:

  1. 5. Virginia 

“Virginia is for lovers,” so that might explain the 14.34% of drivers with a speeding ticket, but it doesn’t explain the 26.68% of drivers with at least one dangerous infraction on their record. 

  1. 4. Wisconsin 

The Cheese State stinks when it comes to the rate of drivers with a dangerous infraction on their record (27.53%), and its rate of drivers with a DUI violation is just as bad, at 3.07%.

  1. 3. Nebraska 

Nebraska’s DUI violation rate of 3.95% outranks the other states in the top 5, making its rate of drivers with at least one dangerous infraction on record (27.83%) make even more sense.

  1. 2. Iowa 

The Corn State’s rate of drivers with at least one dangerous infraction is 27.95% and rate of drivers with a lead foot is 15.54%, as speeding tickets are no stranger to Iowans. 

  1. 1. Ohio 

We’ve previously discussed Ohio’s issues with traffic–which might go hand-in-hand with the 29.66% of its drivers with at least one dangerous infraction. Ohio also boasts the highest percentage of drivers with a speeding ticket, at 16%. 

Don’t enjoy being a stat? Don’t worry, we get it.