Head's Up: Top Rideshare Driver Safety Tips for Today

Rideshare driving is a relatively new phenomenon, our only past experience to draw upon has been taxi driving. When services like Uber or Lyft broke through to the mainstream, the once foreign concept of regular drivers taxiing you around was strange. But, it is interesting that it took such a long time to take hold, after all everyone past a certain age has driven or knows how to drive in some fashion.

Ridesharing was only the natural evolution of taxiing people around. One thing you’re never too experienced to accept is driving safety tips.

 Basic Rideshare Safety Guidelines

 As a rideshare driver you’re tasked with multitasking on the road. Not only do you have to find where your customer is, you have to navigate them to their destination, communicate with passengers and safely operate the vehicle. All of this can be rather mind consuming and leave you frazzled if you can’t multi-task.

One of the most important things to first focus on is driving a safe vehicle. If you’re in the market for a new car and want to become an Uber driver, or are a pre-existing one; check out the deals on a Dodge Grand Caravan. Safety should be one of your primary concerns.

Making safety a concern also comes at the cost of avoiding distractions. These types of usual driver distractions include texting, fiddling with the navigation, eating and drinking, or anything that can lose your focus on the road.

Steps to Take for Safety

Having a safe car is a necessity while driving for a rideshare company along with avoiding distractions. Doing both of these things is another factor entirely. For example, mobile phone usage is the worst offender for not focusing on the road. It is one of the most well documented causes of accidents and collisions on the road.

As an Uber driver, you’ll be using the app but need to make sure to have it placed in a holder so you’re not holding it. Phones should stay in the phone holder for the entirety of the time. Afterwards make sure to ignore any text alerts, as even just a few seconds off the road could be dangerous or even fatal.

Reviewing Driving Principles

 Just because you have a GPS guiding you every step of the way, don’t neglect to look at it before the trip starts. This is another way to keep your eyes on the road and focused on the task at hand. You can also always enable it so that navigation is voice controlled.

Always drive carefully as you would by your lonesome. Not only do you have yourself to worry about, but also the passengers in the car. Always be courteous and defensive on the road.

Even though you’re working, make sure to follow all rules of the road, as you’re not exempt from driving incorrectly or against the law. Taking all of these safety tips into account will allow for a smooth and seamless ride.

Source: Dodge Grand Caravan

Martin Cage has experience working in the auto insurance industry, and is also a part-time rideshare driver. His articles talk about auto safety, the auto industry and tips on ridesharing.