A Road Connecting the U.S. to Russia, Europe and the U.K. is Coming!
May 20, 2015  |  8:26am

It may soon be possible to take the most epic road trip ever, from one continent to another. Vladimir Yakunin, Russian Railways president, says a superhighway connecting Alaska’s Western-most border to Russia’s Eastern-most border could soon become a reality.

The Trans-Eurasian Belt Development (TEPR) would encompass 12,519 miles of road in addition to a high-speed rail network. The route would be similar to the Trans-Siberian railway, but would cross the Bering Straight to Alaska.

If this becomes a reality, the new highway would run from the U.K. through Russia, across to Alaska and then make its way down to New York. Meaning, the cross-continental road trip of your dreams will become a reality. We can only hope gas prices stay low!

The TEPR would need to build 520 miles of road through Alaska, which would take a road tripper about 8 hours to drive across. A 55-mile long tunnel would connect Alaska and Russia.

Once you make it through Russia, the biggest country in the world with many rocky roads, it’s smooth sailing through Poland, Germany, Belgium and France before crossing the English Channel and ending in London.

The trip would take about nine days of nonstop driving, but when planning a drive through places like these, we can think of a few pit stops worth stopping for.

Elizabeth Ann Gerber is a writer for Paste Travel and a student at the University of Georgia with an unhealthy coffee addiction.

Source: https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2015/05/a-road-connecting-the-us-to-russia-europe-and-the.html